
Simpang Luwe

Starting on March 25, 2010, a Padang Restaurant, named ‘Sederhana’, was established and managed by the experts in the field, creating a taste of Padang cuisine with a distinctive ambience.

“SIMPANG LUWE” officially opened on June 23, 2013, the philosophy of the name “Simpang Luwe” originating from the Javanese language “Simpang” which means our area is located at a strategic intersection, and “Luwe” which means hungry. So the philosophy of “Luwe Intersection” is an area at the intersection that will always be able to spoil the tongue and stomach of hungry visitors.

As time goes by, since 2018 we have launched a Website to meet customer needs. Where customers and prospective customers can make reservations online. And also for companies that will collaborate can see our profile without having to come first.

Official Web :

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